Yeshiva University (Stern College), NY
David Yellin Teachers College, Jerusalem
I am the Head of Content at Chargeflow, and I have an extensive background in crafting content across multiple industries. My keen ability to merge storytelling and content delivery allows me to enhance the brand's narrative in tech and e-commerce.
Discover why Chargeflow outperforms Chargebacks911 with full automation, success-based pricing, and AI-powered insights tailored for eCommerce.
Compare Chargeflow and Chargeblast to find the best chargeback solution. Discover how automation and insights maximize recovery and save costs.
Learn how Boxing Day presents eCommerce merchants with post-holiday sales opportunities, tips for success, and fraud prevention strategies.
Disputing debit card charges, learn how to reduce chargebacks and protect your revenue. Use proactive strategies and automation tools like Chargeflow.